Job completed for Sewer Line Backflow in Fairfield, CT

Completion date: January 13, 2023

Location: Fairfield, CT

Why did the customer contact us?

Multiple days of heavy rainfall caused a drainage system failure which allowed a backflow of sewage into their basement. The pool of sewage in the basement needed to be extracted and sanitized quickly to limit their exposure to harmful bacteria and possible diseases.

Solutions provided:

The First Response crew arrived on the scene with the large extraction truck. They extracted the harmful pool of sewage and sanitized the affected areas of the basement. They discarded several items that were soaked with sewage and then proceeded to steam clean the cement floor. The crew set up 4 air scrubbers to help clean the air and the customer was very relieved once everything was cleaned up. The customer complimented the First Response Crew on their hard work and professionalism!

Photos & Videos:

Pool of sewage
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Pool of sewage
Sewage leak in basement
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Sewage leak in basement
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