Job completed for Toilet Overflow Sewage Cleanup in Harrison, NY

Completion date: January 14, 2024

Location: Harrison, NY

Why did the customer contact us?

This Customer was startled to find that the toilet in the adjacent bathroom had unexpectedly overflowed, causing water to spread rapidly across the floor. Frantically searching for a solution, he called on First Response Restoration, whose prompt and efficient team arrived swiftly to address the toilet overflow, restoring order and tranquility to this customers home.

Solutions provided:

Upon receiving John's call about the toilet overflow, First Response Restoration promptly dispatched their skilled team equipped with specialized tools. They swiftly assessed the situation, performed thorough water extraction, and implemented drying techniques to mitigate damage. Through their efficient restoration process, they successfully restored John's home to its pre-incident condition, providing a quick and effective Sewage Cleanup solution to the toilet overflow.

Photos & Videos:

Toilet overflow water damage
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Toilet overflow water damage
Sewage overflow
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Sewage overflow