Job completed for Sewage Backup in Poughkeepsie, NY

Completion date: December 27, 2023

Location: Poughkeepsie, NY

Why did the customer contact us?

Upon experiencing a sewage leak, the customer sought assistance and promptly called First Response after receiving a recommendation from a plumber.

Solutions provided:

Following the customer's call after a sewage leak and a recommendation from a plumber, First Response swiftly provided a specialized solution. The expert team initiated immediate cleanup, sanitation, and restoration services to address the sewage leak thoroughly. Utilizing advanced techniques, they ensured the affected areas were thoroughly cleaned and restored to a safe and hygienic condition, offering the customer a comprehensive and effective resolution to the sewage leak issue.

Photos & Videos:

Shower backup
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Shower backup
Sewage backup in boiler room
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Sewage backup in boiler room